30 October 2013 — by Martin Schneider

We are very proud, that Chromatographic Ballads, has been selected for the People’s Choice Award of the International Art and Artificial Life Award VIDA 15.01.

Please vote for us on Facebook, if you like our work until October 30th.
The first project amongst the most voted will win 2.500 Euros.
We want to release the NeuroVision Sandbox under an open source license.
Your vote can help us win the prize to fund this development.

NeuroVision Sandbox

Video from a Webcam or Online-Video is fed to a Recurrent Neural Network running on the GPU, Map the Output-Layer of the NN back to an Image, and ― BAM ― you get really interesting effects.
The NeuroVision Sandbox is a WebGL Shader Sandbox similar to ShaderToy2 running in the browser. It has several layers which can be used to program neural networks for video processing.

Neural Chromatographic Orchestra

Chromatographic Ballads is an installation, where we are use an EEG-device to control the parameters of the Neural Network, thus effectively creating a cybernetic feedback loop.
We are playing with the idea of externalizing part of the visual processing to an Artificial NN, thus creating a prosthetic Exobrain-Extension, that’s directly coupled to our wet-brain.